Be true to you

Everyone has the right to find and express their true voice, regardless of who they are.

We all have that right. 

But we lost it somewhere back in the industrial age – and we gave it up for a collective voice. 

As we move into The second quarter of the 21st-century it’s important that we find that voice, and express it. Not only do we have a right to share our purpose, we also have a responsibility to deliver whatever gifts we are endowed with, to the people we work and live with. 

There’s never been a more important time for us to share our wisdom and to help others who need that wisdom, especially during the dark and difficult times.

So how do you go about finding your voice? 

The simple answer is to practice. The more you express yourself, the easier it becomes. The next step is to share your ideas by recording them, either as words, or in audio form.

In many way the last step is the hardest. Because now you need to share it. 

Try starting by sharing it with a friend before you venture onto social media or any other broadcast media. And then you need to be prepared for feedback whether it is solicited or not. There will always be someone with a different opinion to you.

Once you start to find your words, you will find your language – the unique way in which you communicate to others what you believe and what’s important to you. And of course you can enlist AI to help you - but make sure you write something from the heart first, so AI can learn your tone of voice, and then replicate it.

I recommend you focus on topics that are designed to help others who are struggling with something, because your words may well just be what people need to hear to overcome a challenge or something that’s troubling them.

Stay true to you and express your inner wisdom – not only is it very liberating, it could just make the difference to someone in need.