Unearth your Super Powers

Learn how to leverage the innate strengths and the unique gifts of your Animal Totem and put them to work in your business and/or career.

Who’s this for?

Professionals and Business owners who have completed the Animal Totem InnerVision exercise and who need help to:

- Leverage their unique gifts and strengths in their career or business
- Bring their authentic selves to work
- Define what makes them / their businesses unique and different
- Explain the benefits they deliver to their stakeholders
- Discover how they work / deliver in their most natural way

What outcomes can you expect?

  • Greater levels of self-awareness & confidence in your abilities

  • Deeper insights into what makes you / your business unique

  • Clarity for how to improve your service delivery, so it aligns with your natural strengths

  • Clarity of the unique benefits and outcomes you deliver

  • Guidance & support from an experienced coach

How does it work?

Click on the booking link to view Justin’s calendar
- Select a time slot and answer a few questions outlining your challenge and the outcomes you’re looking for, and book in to your 60-min Zoom session.

We review your challenge and prepare for your session

We meet online for our 60-Minute video conference to:
- Discuss your answers to the Animal Totem questionnaire
- Develop a strategy to leverage these ideas so you can align how you work with your innate strengths and natural way of working

Sessions cost just AUD $200 inc GST.

Meet Your Coach

  • Marketing expertise
    30+ years in global and SME brand development
    Author of ‘Marketing is Dead, Long Live Purposing.’

  • Business Mentoring
    10 years as a small business and start up mentor

  • Purpose Coaching
    12 years as a Purpose coach and consultant to SMEs and Start Ups