Welcome to Unearth Your Leadership

This program is designed to help you:
- Tap into your unique strengths
- Lead with greater confidence and authenticity
- Engage with empathy and leverage your vulnerability
- Develop stronger resilience and grow as a leader

Through this programme, you'll discover the positive impact you have on those around you, understand your team's challenges, and learn how to deliver an even better experience for them.

Each activity includes an audio-guided visualisation followed by a quick quiz.

The first step of the program is to meet your ‘Animal Totem.’

Animals have always been used as a metaphor to define people’s 'superpowers.' ​
This exercise allows you to discover your animal for yourself - quickly and easily. ​

- The audio recording uses theta music and voice guidance to give you faster access to your subconscious ​
- The accompanying questionnaire allows you to rationally explain what came to you​

400+ professionals have completed this exercise over the past 10 years​

Ready to get started?

Why Totems?

Step #1:
Discovering Your Superpowers

In this 10-minute visualisation you imagine meeting your animal totem, giving you insights into your innate strengths, unique way of working, your super powers - and how this knowledge can inform you what kind of leader you are.

1: Pick a time when you are relaxed and away from your desk - ideally first thing in the morning, when you first wake up.
2. Press play on this audio link below.
3. Fill out this short questionnaire

What Happens Now?

  • We will email you a fact sheet explaining what your totem brings you as a leader.

  • We then plug your answers into our Unearthd AI analyser.

  • Then we will develop an Insights report and email this to you.

  • We’ll take these findings into our first online event, so you can share what you visualised with your colleagues, and get a deeper understanding of what these insights mean for you.