Welcome to the third step of Unearth Your Leadership

In this exercise, you will be building a bridge between yourself and someone you want to empathise with (e.g. a team member) - to visualise their working life through their eyes. Then you’ll imagine sharing something personal and authentic with your team, opening up to vulnerability - so your team can follow your example.

Step #3:
Enhancing your Vulnerability & Empathy

In this 15-minute inner vision exercise, you'll discover what it feels like to walk in the shoes of one of your team members, to get a sense of their emotions, challenges, and how they interact with their colleagues.

Then you’ll imagine sharing something personal and authentic with your team, and encouraging them to do the same.

This exercise is designed to enhance your empathy and vulnerability, so you can build a deeper bond within your team.

1: Pick a time when you are relaxed and away from your desk - ideally first thing in the morning, when you first wake up - before you look at your phone notifications and start thinking about your day.
2. Press play on this audio link below.
3. Fill out this short questionnaire

What Happens Now?

  • We will feed your answers into our Unearthd AI analyser.

  • Then we will develop an Insights report and email this to you.

  • We’ll take these findings into our third Playshop, so you can share what you visualised with your colleagues, and get a deeper understanding of what these insights mean for you.