Why Animal Totems?
For millennia, totems have been used as a powerful metaphor for understanding personal strengths and characteristics.
So we developed a short, guided visualisation to help people ‘discover’ their animal totem. It’s a powerful tool to access the hidden information in the subconscious - about who our strengths and natural capabilities.
Instead of having to answer 80+ questions, and being ‘allocated’ one of 16 personality types, you just listen to a 14-minute recording, answer 12 questions - and voila - we send you your Insights Report.
It’s easy, fun, and you’ll discover things about yourself that only your subconscious knows - like what your real strengths are, and how you can use them to work more effectively.
Why is your Totem so Powerful?
Once you know what you are really capable of, you can harness your true potential.
Many of the people who have done this exercise describe it as a ‘light bulb moment,’ like meeting your their true self for the first time.
It’s your subconscious imagination that determines which animal you will meet - not us. So instead of receiving a pre-determined psychological profile, you get a personalised Insights Report, that is founded on the personal experience you had listening to the visualisation.
Does it work?
Over the past 10 years, nearly 400 people have ‘Unearthd’ 70 different animals. Here are some of the nice things they’ve said about it
“Wow! What a a magical process”
“This unique approach ensures you deep dive to an unconscious level and draw out underlying elements to build on. This is done skilfully - with compassion, patience, humour and heart.”
“The animal totem exercise is an incredibly intuitive and creative approach. It gave me a deeper understanding of who I am, my gifts, and unique qualities.”
“I gained deep insights into what had been a buried and forgotten thought. ”
“Takes you back to your roots and what you are really passionate about. Gave me greater clarity of what I do best, renewed passion, and practical ideas on how to maximise my effectiveness.”
“It gave me the space to go with, trust, and listen to my heart, giving me confidence to keep going.”
Ready to Discover Your Animal Totem?
Click here to access our unique Strengths Finder exercise and discover what your Animal Totem is and how it can guide you to achieve your full potential.
Unearth Your Strengths